The Distinctive Signs of YA Ibad Diciples
Membership in YA Ibad organization does not formally bind and applies free for all groups and communities. Member is obliged to always maintain the good name of YA Ibad organization with the basis of good moral life and becoming role model by conducting 3 principles:
- Life Duty: worship to Allah SWT
- Life Objective: live merely to seek for Allah SWT’s blessing
- Life Function: spread Allah SWT’s mercy for all human beings and the universe
And committed to:
- Participate in development programs of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia in order to create fair and prosperous society based on Pancasila and get forgiveness and blessing of Allah SWT.
- Participate actively to establish religious, harmonious, intelligent, independent, and prosperous Indonesian people emotionally and physically.
- Develop skills and build character and dignified civilization in the context of the intellectual life of the nation.
- Implement and disseminate the Qur'an and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad SAW, without deviating State laws and applicable regulations and norms adopted by the Indonesian nation, without prejudice to human rights, without force, without reproach, without insulting, without thinking that certain community is the most true and best, most appropriate, even uphold the Quran and Sunnah without reducing the value of unity.
- Intend and determine to return to Allah in a state of martyrdom without violence in any form, but with weapon of noble character (good moral) that is truly blessed by Allah SWT.
Norms and the distinctive signs of YA Ibad disciples
As the teachings of Islam and its main purpose, in daily life, YA Ibad is required to implement behavior so that the management and disciples act positively (having noble character) and useful, and do not violate state law and the laws of nature, even less destruct and harm the nature.
YA Ibad disciples are forbidden to be involved in practical politics legally, moreover illegally, and also prohibited to initiate or join a demonstration for any reason, particularly riot/mischief on the earth as stipulated in QS. Al-Baqarah (2) verses 11-12
YA Ibad disciples is forbidden to get close to and or associated with class or group that becomes an enemy that has been forbidden by Allah (Terrorism) and also banned by Indonesian government and condemned by Indonesian people.
The Distinctive Signs of YA Ibad disciples:
- Waiting for the inclusion of the obligatory prayers (except unable to attend because of acceptable reason) with dhikr to Allah SWT in the depths of conscience for ± 5 minutes,
- Enforcing the obligatory prayers on time with tuma'ninah and humility at most
- Before dawn, prayer tahajjud should be completed and the whole members of the house have been woken up and prayed with prayers recommended by YA Ibad
- Grateful for the grace of Islam, faith and favors of Allah's grace and others sincerely and read Qur'an actively, sincerely invite others to read Qur'an actively and give donation, zakat, qurban, and do jariyah almsgiving and also other charities.
- When getting praise/appreciation from human, they must seek forgiveness (istighfar) and offer to Allah SWT and when getting censure/insults from other people, they must be grateful, provided that is not being heckled and insulted by Allah SWT and remained alive in His protection and blessing (commendable life with full of achievement, but not looking for praise and recognition of the human)
- Payback evil with goodness, at least a good and sincere prayer
- Keeping from the bad heart, minds, and mouth and also bad appearance.