Practice Noble Character and Strength of Conscience
Ya Ibad is Rohmatan lil-'alamin activity (spreading blessing for the universe) by promoting the practice of noble character and strength of conscience as well as 3 W (work hard, work smart, and work agile) method as contained in the Qur'an Surah Al-Anbiya (21) verse 107 which reads Wa maa arsalnaaka illa rahmatan lil'alamiin, which means: "And We have not sent you (Prophet Muhammad) but as a mercy for the world"; and based on the Hadith which reads "Innama Buistu liutam mima makaarimal akhlaq", which means: "I (Prophet Muhammad) have only been sent to perfect good moral character", means that YA Ibad prioritizes the establishment of human quality which also means that YA Ibad actively participate to support the Government's program, that is build Indonesian society in which Pancasila and the Constitution of 1945 as the fully basis.
YA Ibad activities include:
1. Activity of Islamic religious sciences education and general science, through:
- Organizing routine recitation in places that have been determined and are open to the public, including:
- Public recitation on Mondays evening on 21.00-22.00
- Recitation on Tuesday morning on 05.30-06.30
- Recitation for women on Wednesdays on 16.00-17.00
- Recitation for male teenagers on Wednesdays evening on 19.30-20.30
- Recitation for female teenagers on Sundays on 19.00-20.00
- Recitation in branch and syiar point
- Training of wudhu (ablution) and prayer
- Training of qiro’ah and translation of Qur’an
- Organizing activities of tithe and qurban
- Missionary Endeavor (Dakwah) Education Park (TPD)
- Qur’an Education Park (TPA)
2. Social activities, through:
- Establishing orphanages for the orphans and underprivileged children
- Providing skill training through special events for members/disciples, especially orphans who have not worked yet
- Lending a certain and limited venture capital without interest through Banso & Pinso (social assistance and social lending)
3. Economic activity, by opening working field through the independent disciples
4. Environment activity:
Commemorate World Water Day and World Environment Day in cooperation with elementary schools (SD) and junior high schools (SMP), which is held in various cities in central region and branches of YA Ibad, which aims to educate the importance of maintaining quality and quantity of fresh water so that they can use water properly and wisely and also invite young generation to love the environment and nature by implementing eco-lifestyle (environmentally friendly lifestyle)