YA Ibad is an acronym (term extension) of the Almukhlasin Ibadurrahman Foundation which means God's servants who have sincerity given by Allah the Most Gracious. YA Ibad is based on Islamic and Pancasila as its principle, this foundation was established in Surabaya on 29 December 1982 by an idea originator, a conceptor, and the only one founder, Mr. KH. Moch. As'ad Syukur Fauzanni. YA Ibad was established based on Notarial Deed No. 76, dated 29 December 1982, the Deed of Amendment No. 26 dated 21 June 2005, recorded in Foundation List in Ministry of Law and Human Rights of Republic of Indonesia No. C-HT. 01.09-224 dated 27 September 2005. YA Ibad is located in Jalan Kedungrukem IV no. 43-45 Surabaya.
Backgrounds of the establishment of YA Ibad :
- Prophet Muhammad SAW’s utterance: Khoirun-Nas ‘Anfa’ahumLin-Nas which means “the best human is those who are useful for others”.
- Implementation of Islam as a Rahmatan Lil’alamin religion is less appeared in everyday life.
- YA Ibad wants to prove that Islam is a gentle, beautiful, peaceful, dynamic, and constructive religion, and is the Miracle of Allah SWT (Qur'an) that should be studied, understood, and practiced in daily life to achieve a welfare, happiness, and success in the world and in the hereafter.
Objective of YA Ibad :
YA Ibad was established with the main objective to create a generation who is really pious, virtuous, and full of achievement and also very helpful to others.
3 Principles of YA Ibad
Life Duty: worship to Allah SWT